March 2013 Volume 10

Profile – KCOB Norm Murray

Lance Seymour
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Norm Murray, a Kingston College alumnus, class of 1967, is a recent recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal for his work on behalf of those facing discrimination in the workplace. He is from Denham Town in Western Kingston and attended Denham Town Primary School. An avid football (soccer) player, Norm has played at the division 1 level in Jamaica for Railway and the YMCA. He has also played at the college level representing the University of Windsor as well as playing in the local Toronto and District Area Premier league competition.

Norm has a BA (Windsor), a MA (Windsor) and works at the Immigration and Refugee Board as a Refugee Protection Officer and as a Case Management Officer. He is also the National Vice-President of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union. His current focus is on discrimination and particularly the “clustering” of designated group members in lower level jobs in the federal government and is pursuing discriminatory cases in the Federal Court, at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and in other similar courts and tribunals. 

Some of his most prominent challenges are cited in; INJUSTICEBUSTERS, July 25, 2006; Embassy- Canadian Foreign Policy Newspaper, 10/01/2008; Refugee Board Workers face Barriers, Globe and Mail, September 27, 2008;; Norman Murray and Attorney General of Canada 2011FC542, May 11, 2011; Norman Murray and Attorney General of Canada 2013FC49, January 21, 2013; Norm Murray and Canadian Human Rights Commission, and Immigration and Refugee Board.

Norm has worked over twenty years seeking justice and fairness for those dispossessed; under- represented and neglected who are employed in federal workplaces.

He is currently in the process of promoting the web site; The   Prior to this he was involved as the leader of Students Against Apartheid (SAA) at the University of Windsor and assisted in the early development and promotion of the refugee sponsorship program at the University of Windsor under the WUSC program.

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