October 2013 Volume 10

Jayzon Brooks - Head of CSEC 2013 KC Class

Basil Waite
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Seventeen year old Jayzon Brooks headed the list of KC students who sat CSEC 2013 with passes in 11 subjects.

 A past student of St. Catherine Primary, Brooks entered KC in Michaelmas 2008 with a GSAT average of 86. During the ensuing five years, Jayzon’s extra curricula activities included the Debating Society where he is currently its PR officer. In the 2012/13 Schools’ Challenge Quiz season he earned a place on the team as a reserve.

Of the 11 CSEC subjects he attained in 2013, nine (9) subjects were grade 1 and two (2) grade 2. The grade 1 subjects include: English Literature, English Language, Biology, Physics, Human and Social Biology, Religious Education, French and History. Grade 2 subjects were Maths and Chemistry.

He lists watching TV, playing basketball and reading historical books as his hobbies. Jayzon’s ambition is to be an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

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