July 2024 Volume 20


Winston ‘Ras’ Henry
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Much planning had been expended in making a success of the annual premier event for the KCOBA USA Inc. This event brings out the highest gathering of former students, supporters, donors and well-wishers. With this occasion being the last major event before Kingston College’s centennial celebrations, the association’s intent was to use the occasion as a launching pad for pursuing some of the lofty goals that were set to commemorate the school’s one hundred years of existence.

Patrons were greeted at the entrance to the event by the ubiquitous presentation of the Fortis gears currently available for purchase at the event and on it’s website. The evening started off with a live performance of the two-man David Lee Jones Band. Their usual stellar performance provided the ideal backdrop for cocktails and a delicious offering of hors d-oeuvres. Early attendees engaged in the usual banter while the associations directors put the final touches in place to ensure a trouble-free event.

Mistress of Ceremony, Ingrid Dixon started the ball rolling for the main section of the event which opened with both the national anthems of the USA and Jamaica being played. Stalwart board member, Mr. Norman Scott delivered the invocation and was followed by the president’s welcome by President Dwayne Montaque. He gave a warm welcome to those assembled, thanked them for supporting the mission and assured them a great information-rich evening lay ahead.

Chairman of the Board of Governors, Michael Vaccianna provided an overview of the management structure of the school, its finances and the challenges which lie ahead in keeping Kingston College maintaining a high standard. He was followed by Principal, Dave Myrie who gave a detailed overview of the day-to-day running of the school and all the challenges there-in. He spoke in depth of the goals set by the KC100 planning committee. Even though still in its early stages, much was expected, and a great deal of work would be required from all those in the trenches of making Kingston College all it could be.

A video representation showcasing current and immediate past scholarship recipients was sandwiched by the presentation of both gentlemen. The achievements of those featured spoke volumes to the importance of the association’s flagship scholarship program which currently serves 150 students at the school and approximately 10 students in tertiary institutions.

At some point the MC acknowledged a table occupied by ‘young Fortis’ and let them know that they had ‘next’. The audience gave them a resounding applause for making the effort to be in attendance.

Soul Tone Disco with DJ Prentice at the helm provided the soothing music to help the digestion of dinner. Then it was on to the presentation section of the program.

Ms. Lesleyann Samuel, Immediate Past President (IPP) of the Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (UJAA), was first up and was gracious in her acceptance of the ‘Community Service Award’. She appreciated that her years of toil was recognized by the association and was hopeful that it would continue unabated as there was still much more needed to be done. The award was presented by Mr. Rainford “Perry” Bloomfield, IPP of KCOBA USA Inc.

The ‘Distinguished Alumnus Award’ honoree was Mr. Robert “Bob” DeSouza. Bob has provided yeoman service in various capacities in service to the mission. Two of which was acting as the primary person responsible for getting equipment from the tri-state region to the school in Jamaica and for being the go-to master of ceremonies for several previous events. He was delighted for the recognition and hoped to get back in stride after overcoming a challenging period of ill-health. VP George Bell presented the award.

Kingston College’s Vice Principal was recognized for her stalwart work in the trenches at the school. President Dwayne Montaque told recipient Marguerita “Madame” Hall that her tireless work was maybe the main reason for the success of the scholarship program and several other aspects of school life. She assured the audience that she would remain committed to the task and was appreciative of the recognition.

First VP George Bell was surprised by the president’s award. The president wanted to highlight the outstanding efforts Mr. Bell had demonstrated over the past 12 years as a director of the association. The VP, not person accustomed to being highlighted in this manner, nonetheless accepted the award graciously. He then took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the mission and why he has remained steadfast in being committed to it. He implored the younger Fortis in attendance to be prepared to take up the mantle as the older members would have to step aside eventually.

Association secretary, Winston Henry had the task of delivering the vote of thanks to the attendees, honorees, distinguished guests, donors, well-wishers, sponsors and supporters in general. DJ Prentice then had the pleasure of entertaining the guests for the duration of the event. For the second successive year, the attendees had more than enough dancing time. Kudos to the program’s manager, Mr. Alton Brown and the team.

All in all, a great evening spent towards the lofty goal of maintaining the excellence at Kingston College.

KCOBA Inc. would like to take this opportunity to extend heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors, entities, and individuals who supported the event’s journal.

Presented by Winston Henry.

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