
KCDTF Corporate Data

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The Kingston College Development Trust Fund was incorporated 1987 March 17 as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital.  The principal activity of the company is the maintenance of a fund, the income of which is designated to be used for the benefit of Kingston College.

Officers of the Trust
Reynold Scott - Chairman
Damian Todd – Dep. Chairman
S. Dawn Hamilton – Hon. Secretary
Bernard Channer – Hon. Treasurer
Hugh Reid – Signatory
Patrick McIntosh – Signatory.

c/o Ms. Loriann Clarke
2A North Street
PO Box 9073
C.S.O., Kingston
Tele/Fax: 876 948-5788

Rudolph Wallace – Signatory

Grant, Stewart, Phillips & Co.
11A Swallowfield Road
Kingston 5

Campbell Adams & Co.
11a Sunset Drive, Kingston 10

The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Ltd.
Scotiabank Centre
Duke & Port Royal Streets

Registered Office
2A North Street

Kingston College Clovelly Park Campus
2A North Street
C.S.O., Kingston
Jamaica, W.I.

Kingston College Melbourne Park Campus
13 Upper Elletson Road
Kingston 16

Principal : Mr. Dave Myrie;
Chairman, Board of Management : Mr. Michael Vaccianna

Board of Directors

Elected :

Sen. Ransford Braham QC
Mr. Bernard Channer
Miss S. Dawn Hamilton
Mr. Patrick McIntosh
Mr. Woodburn Miller CD, JP
Mr. Clive Nicholas CD
Mr. Hugh Reid
Mr. Reynold Scott
Mr. Damian Todd
Mr. Rudolph Wallace

Ex Officio :

Mr. Victor Henry – President of the Kingston College Old Boys Association Ltd

Ms. Peta Gaye Wynter - PTA President

Mr. Dave Myrie - Principal Kingston College

Mr. Michael Vacciana - Chairman, Board of Management

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