February 2012 Volume 9

KCOBA USA Inc’s New Year Message

Rainford ‘Perry’ Bloomfield
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As it is with every year, 2012 will present its own set of challenges for our beloved alma mater. KCOBA USA Inc will need your support to help KC meet those challenges whatever they may be.

Our goal for 2012 is to increase our support for the many programs that we sponsor, thus continuing to play our part in improving the physical plant and enriching the secondary school education experience for young men who have earned a place at Kingston College. On the list of projects for 2012 is the restoration of the Melbourne Campus Library. The library is in dire need of up-to-date textbooks, reference, research resources and technology.

The first fundraiser for 2012 will be our second annual "Winter Dance" on February 25 in Queens, NY. This event is in collaboration with the sisters from Immaculate Conception High School Alumnae Association. Please save the date and join us as we put on another top class entertaining fundraiser.

We must express a sincere THANK YOU for all the support that you have given to our association during 2011. We are sincerely appreciative of your decision to continue contributing to our efforts to provide assistance to our alma mater, Kingston College. You have attended our fundraising events, placed advertisements in the Journal for our Annual Reunion Dinner, paid your membership dues and also contributed directly to one of the many programs undertaken by this association. Indeed, you have helped us successfully underwrite the Nutrition Program, the Joyce Baxter Math Club, the Scholarship Program, benefiting students at KC and those enrolled in Universities in Jamaica, Cuba & USA, and the restoration work of the Chemistry Laboratory. However, most importantly, through us, you are helping Kingston College mold the next generation of leaders of Jamaica and the world.

As Old Boys and Fortis well-wishers, we manifest the greatest school spirit, yet we are not doing enough to support and build the legacy of Kingston College. We need to organize ourselves more and give our time, abilities and resources financially and otherwise. Kingston College Old Boys Association is a work in progress. However sign-up now, get involved and be a part of the journey to a better association. Remember, wherever you are in life whether rich, poor, lawyer, doctor, barber, laborer, sports legend or 'average Joe', you have walked the distinguished corridors of Melbourne and North Street. You ARE a part of the Fortis Family and collectively we can do our part to support, protect & advance the legacy of our beloved alma mater, Kinston College.

KCOBA USA Inc implores you to find and join your local chapters for Fortis sake. We welcome all to join us, especially those outside Jamaica. Become a member by signing up and contributing US$50 annually and/or donate at www.kcobany.org/donations.aspx. Keep up with the Fortis Family by joining us on Facebook, following us on twitter @KCOBANY, and reading the monthly KC Times at: www.kctimes.org; here you will find links to your closest chapter's contact information. In addition, support our "Buy Fortis, Support Fortis" merchandise as every cent from proceeds goes to the many programs/projects we sponsor at the school.

To you and yours, have a Blessed & Prosperous New Year.

Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest – The brave may fall but never yield

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