January 2013 Volume 10

New Year’s Message – KCOBA (New York)

Rainford ‘Perry’ Bloomfield
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As we bid a solemn farewell to 2012 and eagerly welcome 2013, let me take this opportunity to wish you all the prosperity that this New Year may bring.

In reflecting on the past year, I must express gratitude for your continued support to our association. KCOBA USA Inc. Board of Directors is sincerely appreciative of your contributions to our mission to provide assistance to our beloved alma mater, Kingston College.

Whether you have contributed by attending our fundraising events, placed advertisements in the Journal for the Annual Reunion Dinner, paid membership dues and contributed directly to one of the many programs undertaken by this association, you would have helped to successfully underwrite the Nutrition Program, Joyce Baxter Math Club, and Scholarship Program and provide Gym Equipment for the sports pavilion. We encourage you to continue your generous support.

Our goal for 2013 is to assist our newly appointed principal, Mr. Dave Myrie accomplish his goals for KC in infrastructure, technology, library and transportation system upgrades. The first school bus has been purchased. Our first fundraiser for this year will be the Third Annual Winter Dance; this year's staging will be in collaboration with St Hughs Alumnae Association on March 2, 2013 at Flowers Physical Therapy, 219-10 South Conduit Avenue, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413. A full list of our upcoming fundraisers for the New Year is on the holiday e-Card here at the KC Times.

This year, we hope you get more involved – tell a colleague and keep up with the Fortis Family by visiting our website at www.kcobany.org , joining us on Facebook, following us on twitter @KCOBANY, and reading the monthly KC Times Newsletter at www.kctimes.org.

Download KCOBA USA 2013 Calendar of Events

All the best to you, yours and ours; Kingston College!


Rainford Perry Bloomfield
KCOBA USA Inc. (NY Chapter)

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