January 2014 Volume 11

Chairman’s New Year Message - 2014

Michael Vaccianna
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On behalf of the Board of Management of Kingston College and for myself, I wish for you Mr. Editor, your team and the entire Kingston College family a new year filled with happiness and peace and the realization of your dreams and aspirations.

My colleague Board members and I look forward to 2014 with confident optimism that our school will make further strides during the course of the year and we invite all members of the family, those already involved and those who would like to be, to join us in our continuing quest to make Kingston College simply the best.
Our confidence is born out of the progress made during the year just ended. 2013 saw some improvement in the infrastructure on both campuses, highlighted by major renovation of Melbourne Park and an upgraded main entrance gateway at North Street.

The year also saw significant improvement in academic performance of our students highlighted by over 80% of the fifth form students achieving five or more CXC passes, seven students featuring in the top 10 in Jamaica in four subject areas for CAPE Units 1 & 2 and an unprecedented achievement of six students being admitted into the UWI Medical Faculty in the same year.

Sincere thanks and appreciation to all individuals and institutions - teachers, parents, Old Boys, donors - who have contributed to the achievements of 2013.

I must here recognise that these achievements were in no small measure influenced by the effective leadership our Headmaster Dave Myrie has brought to the management of the school and I commend him.

As we anticipate further achievements in 2014, it is timely that I mention that one of the stated objectives in Kingston College's Mission Statement is to provide an education that "enables students to reach their full potential and develop skills to become independent, self sufficient adults who will succeed and contribute to a global society".

This may be seen as an obvious objective but it is so important that I believe it requires special mention to serve as a reminder to us to remain focused on ensuring that Kingston College becomes the best at achieving this objective. That is and must be our mission.

Much has been done but there is more to be done to fulfill our mission. The Board will continue to lead and guide the process.

In my message printed in the June 2013 edition of the KC Times, I indicated that the Board is committed to developing a comprehensive infrastructural development plan for Kingston College that will guide our efforts over the next ten to fifteen years. I further advised that this plan would provide for a technology driven school and ensure that all facilities that we erect are consistent with the school's vision, mission and aims and must support the promotion of an effective teaching and learning environment. The proposed Kingston College Library & Technology Centre is a perfect fit in our plans and will be an invaluable tool in the achievement of our Mission.

I wish to commend and to express our sincere appreciation to the K.C.O.B.A. USA Inc. led by their dynamic President, Perry, for embarking on this quite significant and far-reaching initiative. I spoke with Perry about the project a couple weeks ago and the passion and excitement in his voice was palpable. The project has the full support of the Board and we had no hesitation in approving it as a part of the development thrust we are undertaking and hope to continue at the school. We also extend a special word of thanks to Basil Anderson, the Matalon family and the ICD Group for their most generous contributions to get the campaign going. The Board equally had no hesitation in giving its consent to the library to be built being named 'The Eli Matalon Library' in honour of the deceased KC Old Boy and past Chairman of the Board of Governors of the school.

Ladies and gentlemen, technology has changed our lives and how we live, learn, work and play. Libraries now comprise material and resources in both the traditional print format and the newer digital format. A new and modern library and technology centre within our school will provide another welcome avenue for our students to have equal access and opportunities to research and explore and ultimately succeed.

Friends…….. Kingston College is on a mission – to be number one and to be the high school of choice for boys. In the many and varying ways that we make our contributions, this must be our ultimate objective. In achieving that objective we will offer to our many communities and to our country young men with a well rounded education equipped to be useful and upright citizens, consistent with the vision of our first headmaster, Bishop Gibson.

I confidently believe that we can achieve this objective if we commit to working together in partnership. Each of us in the Kingston College family has a role to play. We must resolve to do so with enthusiasm and in a manner that is in the best interest of our students and our school. 2000 students each year depend on us to do that.

K.C.O.B.A. USA Inc. is admirably doing their part by embarking on this project. As Kingston College celebrates 88 years of existence this year, the realization of this project will be a wonderful 90th birthday gift to our beloved alma mater. But our support is needed.

Let us respond positively with that unyielding spirit we know as, the Fortis spirit, from which each of us should gain motivation to do our part


Michael Vaccianna
November 21, 2013

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