January 2016 Volume 13

How One Old Boy is Giving Back

Dr. Glen Laman
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If there is one characteristic that is often ascribed to KC Old Boys it is “passion for the school.”   Nothing can compare to that “purple passion.”

For many Old Boys that passion is just a feeling.  It is never translated into any action other than words. It is just vaporware.

There is one Old Boy who has managed to use that “purple passion” to good effect.

Over the past twenty four months, Noel Spencer’s cash and in kind contributions to Kingston College causes have reached in excess of J$2,000,000.   He has been like a heat seeking missile searching out ways to make a contribution to KC.

Here are some of the ways Noel has been giving back:

  • Contributed to KCOBA Jamaica Annual Reunion
  • Was a sponsor of Atlanta’s George Thompson matching gift fund which raised thousands of dollars for scholarships.
  • Contributed to the NY scholarship dance
  • Contributed to the KC Development Trust fund
  • Contributed to the Lissant Property purchase
  • Made a 2014 donation to the Track and Field team - US$3500.00.
  • Sponsored the Penn Relays Naming Rights in the name of the 1965 4x110 and 4x400 Kingston College Penn Relay teams for US$2500.
  • In 2014, donated over US$3,000 towards the 50th anniversary celebrations at Penn Relays in the name of Kingston College.
  • Purchased the flags and donated to the Penn Relays on behalf of KC. Two similar flags were purchased to be flown at KC. The total contributions for flags were US$3,600.
  • Made a proposal to the Penn Relays for KC’s flag to be flown at the relays every year going forward. The proposal was accepted by Penn and the board of friends of Penn Relays.
  • Sponsored the project to design, produce, and deliver the first Kingston College bowties for the KC Choir. The KC bowtie is the first of its kind to be worn by a high school in Jamaica.
  • In 2015, presented each member of the choir with their own copy of the recently produced KC Chapel Choir DVD.
  • Donated a timeshare vacation unit at the Club Caribbean/Royal DeCameron in Runaway Bay to the faculty and staff at KC.

These are just a few examples of the ways in which Noel has been giving back recently.

He has been giving back for many years however, as he was president of KCOBA NY (1985-1986), Vice President of KCOBA NY (1984-1985) and a founding director of the Association (1981-1984), and he is currently a Life Director.

Noel was honored by the Atlanta chapter in 2014 and in June, 2014 was the keynote speaker at the school’s graduation. He was also a recipient of the 2014 Kingston College Chapel Choir Special Award presented at the Annual KC Chapel Choir recital at the UWI Chapel.

What next?

In June 2015 Noel started discussions with Audley Hewett, Dr. Robert Wan and Maurice Weir about placing an Olympic type track at Melbourne Park. A German firm has begun putting together estimates for this project.

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